An Evening of Dance
Tonight's Katie's big night dancing with her classmates at the Baggett Theater.  They've all worked extremely hard. I'm always in awe of how well they perform. The choreography, teachers, lighting, costumes, and artists perfectly coordinated to make everything a success.
Inside the lobby are flowers for the performers, and refreshments
for the audience.
Oops! I don't think this blinding photo was a good idea.
Mistress of Ceremony Yelena Holt opens the program. She has been teaching dance in the Nevada Joint Union High School District since 1988.
Act 1 opens with "Stars in Their Eyes." Sonia comes to the City of Stars looking to become a beautiful person and is rejected by her long time friends. She feels under attack between her home town values and her desire to become a beautiful person. In time she questions the beautiful people.
The camera gal is skipping most of the scenes, because the picture's didn't didn't turn out, and this could get too long. 
Here's Katie dancing in "Sparkling Diamonds." The music is Nicole Kidman (from Moulin Rough) singing "Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend." 
The entire cast of dancers on stage for a final bow. Katie's on
the left side of the stage (in the caption).
Congratulations Katie! It was a wonderful evening watching a
sparkling performance....And so are these smiles!
We love you all.