
It's December 10, 2005 and we're climbing the steps to the auditorium where the Commencement ceremony of the University of Nevada (Reno) will be held.  Vicky will receive her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. She made the Dean's list for her excellent scholastic performance.
The graduates enter, take their seats and the many
dissertations begin.
.....And then the diplomas are handed out.
Vicky receives a handshake and her diploma.

Nephew Davey receives his BS in Civil Engineering. As the ceremony closes some hats get tossed in the air. Davey hangs onto his.

 And here's our dear graduate.....
....With her proud Dad, Mom, Amanda, Timmy and Brent.
The entire family before heading to In-N-Out Burger
 for lunch.

Time for us to head home. It's been a wonderful weekend celebrating the achievement of a very special person. But before closing, Vicky...I'm thinking back to when you were a tiny girl who couldn't wait to learn to read. So you would ask your mother to read you directions that enabled you to make nice things. As you grew older you were an exceptional student who helped your teachers and other students. You learned computers and maintained your father's business website, that has become a wonderful asset. Along the way, you then took it upon yourself to do my first website. You're always very kind, and willing to help others who needed help. We love you and hope you enjoy the best of everything that life has to offer.

"As we go on, we'll remember
All the times we had together
And as our lives change, come whatever
We will still be, friends forever..."
Grammy and Papa